Friday, October 4, 2013

Reality Check

October is here already and after all the rain we got in September, we are still trying to get that second coat of plaster on the outside of the house. Time for a reality check! There's still so much left to do and just the earthen floors, which we can't get to until the ceiling is done, will take 2 to 3 weeks to dry - and then will need linseed oil finish which will also take time to dry.  By the middle of December the ground is going to freeze meaning we won't be able to dig dirt for the floors or plastering. I won't go into the rest of the list, just suffice it to say that there is just too little time between now and hard winter to get enough done to move in. Sad but true.

While I do not relish yet another winter in our trailer, I am feeling a whole lot less stressed about the house. There are still things I feel we need to get done before the middle of December but the list is a whole lot shorter and more doable. We're getting our wood burning stove in a couple of weeks and once a coat of mud is on the wall we will be able to have heat in the house. Work will continue!

So we push forward....

Rick got the garage doors installed so the house is totally enclosed and looking good!

And plastering continues. . .
I am so humbled and appreciative of all the plastering help we've gotten from our friends! We hope to have a plastering party in the next couple of weeks to get a good chunk of mud on the inside walls. Chili and cornbread anyone?

Corner is turned.

Rick getting a lot done.
Stay tuned . . .

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